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Please complete this form and one of our agents will reply to you by email as soon as possible.

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The entry of the retailer name, postcode and city must match the proof of purchase!
e.g. Aistinger Straße 2
e.g. 4311
e.g. Schwertberg
Geben Sie in diesem Abschnitt die Daten des Markt-Ansprechpartners ein.
For telephone inquiries and notification of deliveries, please enter your telephone number with area code +43 (664) 12345678:
You will find the article number on the packaging, instruction or warranty card of your purchased product.
You have the possibility to enter an internal reference number here.
Please describe your request in as much detail as possible. To ensure your request is processed quickly, please upload a photo of the defective part in the space provided.
brand * Marke des Produktes
The date of purchase must match the invoice or purchase receipt!
The following formats are allowed:*.JPG, *.PDF and *.PNGmax. file size: 10 MB
Please describe your request as detailed as possible. For faster processing, please upload a photo of the damaged part in the field provided.
General terms and conditions I herby confirm that I know and accept the general terms and conditions ( as well as the privacy policy ( of Steinbach VertriebsgmbH.
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